

tijah budak kampung. kerja kat kuala lumpur.
biasalah bila sudah duduk 'town'. mula lupa asal usul.
pakaian seksi maut. cintan sama mat saleh.
tayang boyfren mate biru.
punya lah eksyen dia.

then satu hari dia ternampak mat saleh tadi jejalan
dengan pompuan yang lagi hot dan trendy darinya.
tijah menanges tiga hari tiga malam.
pada malam keempat.
tijah menules surat untuk memutuskan hubungannya
dengan mat saleh tersebut.

begini bunyik suratnya yang berjaya dicuri.

mike. i want to cut connection us. i have think about
this cook - cook. i know i clap one hand only.
correctly. i have seen you and she walk - walk
together at town with eyes myself. you grab hand
she. i hurry hurry peep you but i slip fall down
gedebuk on the floor like rotten jackfruit.
my shoe has no flower. you always ask apology
back - back.

i don't trust you again! you are really
crocodile land. my friend speak you play wood three.
first - first i think my friend lie me. but now i know
you correct - correct play wood three. so. i break
connection to pull my body from this love triangle.
i know this result i pick is very correct. because
you love she very high from me. so. i cut this connection
to go far from here. i don't want you to play play with
my liver. i have been crying until no more eye water
thinking about you. i don't want banana to fruit two times.

safe walk.




lawak gile surat tu..

Nur Nazira said...

weh lawak doe surat ni. mne ko curik ha. HAHAHA :DD